Spending your precious time with your loved ones and friends may help you develop new relationships. You receive a much-needed break from your regular daily routine when you go on a trip with us.
You\'ll all have lovely memories from this delightful family-friendly excursion when you go home.
You may rent this lovely beauty to journey with you for a minimum of 2 hours in Qatar or Dubai; extra hours can be added at an additional cost.
Exciting party packages are available from us for you and your loved ones. As part of this type of yacht charter Qatar package, we also take care of the party decorations.
Hosting a gathering on a yacht, celebrate your family\'s special occasion aboard a yacht to make them feel cherished. To plan a memorable party aboard a luxurious yacht in Qatar, get in touch with us.
ONBOARD FACILITIES: According to the event you wish to celebrate on board, you can add on the services provided when reserving a yacht. Please get in touch with the booking coordinator to discuss all of your add-ons.
- Exclusive Luxury Yacht
- Birthday Cake of your choice
- Fully Decorated Yacht (Balloons and Birthday Banner)
- Flower Bouquet
- Soft Drinks, Water & Ice
- Red Carpet Welcome
Our view of the world is magically changed by the sun setting. At this time of day, everything looks more attractive.
For this reason, you must cruise a yacht to see the sunset over the sea. It will undoubtedly transform your perspective; we can assure you of that.
From the first moments of sunset, when its decline begins, to the precise time the sun entirely disappears from the horizon, the party will be going on. Felicitated with a mouthwatering variety of both continental and exotic cuisine. For the best yacht charter in Pearl Qatar, contact us!
ONBOARD FACILITIES: According to the event you wish to celebrate on board, you can add on the services provided when reserving a yacht. Please contact us to discuss all your add-ons.
- Exclusive Luxury Yacht
- Beautiful sunset view
- Soft drinks, water, and ice
- 2hr cruising
- Red Carpet welcome
Pred potovanjem obiščite svojega zdravnika, upoštevajte njegove nasvete in imejte s seboj vsa zdravila, ki vam jih predpiše. Prosim, ne pretiravajte z alkoholom prejšnji večer!
V večini regij nudimo samo zasebni čarter, kar pomeni izlet z ladjo brez drugih potnikov, celoten čoln najamete s kapitanom/skiperjem samo za svojo skupino/zabavo.
Da, na nekaterih območjih ponujamo najem brez čolna. Z izbiro kategorije "BAREBOAT CHARTER" lahko izberete idealno plovilo za vaš naslednji dopust. Če ugotovite, da v tej kategoriji še ni nobenega čolna, nam to sporočite in potrudili se bomo, da vam ga priporočimo glede na vaše želje.
Obiščite našo spletno stran, izberite čoln po vaši izbiri, izpolnite kratek obrazec za rezervacijo in kliknite gumb "zahtevaj razpoložljivost" ali pa nas kontaktirajte in nam sporočite, katero vrsto čolna želite, ter dan in uro želite rezervirati najem čolna. Koliko potnikov bo tam in koliko potrebnih ur/časovno trajanje najema čolna? Sporočite nam tudi želeno vrsto potovanja/dejavnosti, kot so potapljanje z masko, ribolov, jadranje, križarjenje in ogled znamenitosti, sončni zahod, praznovanje posebnih priložnosti itd.
Naši plačilni pogoji so navedeni na naši spletni strani. To se razlikuje glede na čartersko družbo in regijo. Če imate kakršna koli vprašanja glede plačilnih pogojev izbranega čolna, nas kontaktirajte. ALI, takoj ko prejmemo vašo povpraševanje za najem plovila, vas obvestimo o plačilnih pogojih, če se razlikujejo od navedenih na naši spletni strani!
Lep dan za potapljanje z masko z mojo 6-člansko družino. Vode so bile mirne in le 6 ft globoke, vendar je bilo morsko življenje čudovito. Celo ujel nekaj jastogov.