O tejto jachte

The 36.8-foot Oryx 36 Sport Cruiser Luxury Yacht was constructed in 2015 and blends beauty, endurance, and power into one cohesive whole. She is designed to provide comfort and safety, excellent for cruising and fishing.

Oryx 36 was created as a modern yacht that can operate in any condition without compromising performance. This is a fantastic option for a luxury yacht charter since it perfectly balances comfort and safety in one vessel. It is the deep-sea fishing lovers\' preferred yacht.

Dimensions: Length Overall 36.8 Ft, Beam 11.6 Ft, Draft 2 Ft

Boat Capacity: The Oryx 36FT, which can accommodate 10 people, is the perfect choice for small-group cruising and fishing trips.

The following are some of the facilities and amenities available onboard:
- 2 Bedrooms
- 1 Bathroom
- Kitchen
- Indoor Saloon
- Outside Sitting
- Sunbath

More info About Yacht:
Crew: 2
Cabins: 3
Capacity: 12
Year of built - 2015

Detaily výletu

Spending your precious time with your loved ones and friends may help you develop new relationships. You receive a much-needed break from your regular daily routine when you go on a trip with us.

You\'ll all have lovely memories from this delightful family-friendly excursion when you go home.

You may rent this lovely beauty to journey with you for a minimum of 2 hours in Qatar or Dubai; extra hours can be added at an additional cost.

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Ponúkame nasledovné zájazdy

  • Celebrate a birthday or other occasion

    Exciting party packages are available from us for you and your loved ones. As part of this type of yacht charter Qatar package, we also take care of the party decorations.

    Hosting a gathering on a yacht, celebrate your family\'s special occasion aboard a yacht to make them feel cherished. To plan a memorable party aboard a luxurious yacht in Qatar, get in touch with us.

    ONBOARD FACILITIES: According to the event you wish to celebrate on board, you can add on the services provided when reserving a yacht. Please get in touch with the booking coordinator to discuss all of your add-ons.

    - Exclusive Luxury Yacht
    - Birthday Cake of your choice
    - Fully Decorated Yacht (Balloons and Birthday Banner)
    - Flower Bouquet
    - Soft Drinks, Water & Ice
    - Red Carpet Welcome

  • Romantic Sunset Cruise Qatar

    Our view of the world is magically changed by the sun setting. At this time of day, everything looks more attractive.

    For this reason, you must cruise a yacht to see the sunset over the sea. It will undoubtedly transform your perspective; we can assure you of that.

    From the first moments of sunset, when its decline begins, to the precise time the sun entirely disappears from the horizon, the party will be going on. Felicitated with a mouthwatering variety of both continental and exotic cuisine. For the best yacht charter in Pearl Qatar, contact us!

    ONBOARD FACILITIES: According to the event you wish to celebrate on board, you can add on the services provided when reserving a yacht. Please contact us to discuss all your add-ons.

    - Exclusive Luxury Yacht
    - Beautiful sunset view
    - Soft drinks, water, and ice
    - 2hr cruising
    - Red Carpet welcome

  • Romantic Cruise Qatar

    Any love connection is built on a foundation of shared experiences and difficulties. It has been demonstrated time and time again that relationships suffer less in couples who occasionally go on excursions.

    For romantic trips, our yacht is excellent. See how a romantic cruise might impact your love life now. With our boat charter prices in Qatar, it is completely affordable for everyone. For the greatest romantic cruises in Qatar, just get in touch with us.

    ONBOARD FACILITIES: You can add on the services listed when booking a yacht based on the occasion you wish to celebrate on board. For all of your add-ons, kindly contact us!

    - Exclusive Luxury Yacht
    - 2hrs cruising
    - Best of selfies and groupies
    - Fun-filled evening short trips

  • Package for an Anniversary Celebration at Qatar Charters

    The most important occasions in your life, like anniversaries, require a particular setting. Throwing an anniversary party on a yacht has numerous benefits since you may surprise your guests with the one-of-a-kind opportunity to participate in a yacht party.
    Contact us as soon as you\'ve decided how you wish to celebrate the anniversary.

    ONBOARD FACILITIES: According to the occasion you wish to celebrate on board, you can add on the services provided when reserving a yacht. Please contact us to discuss all your add-ons.

    - Exclusive Luxury Yacht
    - 6 Hours Cruise

Časté otázky

Je potrebné, aby som sa obával, že ochoriem na morskú chorobu?
Aký je rozdiel medzi súkromnou chartou a pravidelnou/zdieľanou/verejnou chartou?
Ponúkate prenájmy lodí bez posádky?
Aké informácie odo mňa potrebujete, aby ste mi poslali cenovú ponuku na prenájom lode?
Aké sú vaše platobné podmienky?
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Vyberte čas a dátum prenájmu lodí


Otázky alebo požiadavky

Vaše kontaktné údaje

Výpočet ceny

Predvolená sadzba: 800 USD

Počet osôb zahrnutých v predvolenej sadzbe: 4

Sadzba pre ďalších cestujúcich: 80 USD

Základná cena: 550 USD

Celková cena: 550 USD

Záloha 0 USD

Zostatok: 550 USD

Zatiaľ sa nevyžaduje žiadna platba!
1/ Najprv vám pošleme potvrdenie o dostupnosti lode.
2/ Ak sa rozhodnete posunúť ďalej a zarezervovať si charter, stačí kliknúť na platobný odkaz a zaplatiť malú zálohu (max 15%). Odkaz na platbu bude odoslaný s potvrdením dostupnosti.
3/ Po zaplatení zálohy dostanete veľmi podrobné potvrdenie zájazdu.

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