Tour di un'intera giornata a Dubai con biglietto d'ingresso per il Burj Khalifa in cima
» United Arab Emirates » United Arab Emirates » United Arab Emirates
From $151.00
223 recensioni
Informazioni sui prezzi: A testa
Durata: 9 hours
: United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
: Biglietti mobili o cartacei accettati
Una scelta perfetta per soddisfare il tuo appetito da Dubai con un'intera giornata di spiegazioni multilingue complete tra cui la top 124 di Burj Khalifa.
Biglietto d'ingresso al Museo di Dubai (Chiuso per COVID), Abra e Mono Rail
Biglietto d'ingresso per Burj Khalifa All'ultimo 124 piano
Guida audio in più lingue e guida inglese autorizzata.
Prelievo dal tuo hotel da un veicolo con aria condizionata
Cibo e bevande
Spese personali
CHILD: : 0 - 11
ADULT: : 12 - 99
ANNULLAMENTO: Annulla gratuitamente Fino a 72 ore dalla data dell'ora locale del servizio, dopo tale addebito completo.
Distanziamento sociale applicato durante l'esperienza
È richiesto alle guide di lavare le mani frquentemente
Gel antibatterico disponibile per staff e viaggiatori
Informazioni importanti: ** La fermata alla Moschea Jumairah non include un ingresso guidato alla Moschea, ma se gli ospiti vogliono entrare, la Moschea è aperta solo il sabato, la domenica, il martedì e il giovedì dalle 08h45 alle 09h45. Il lunedì e il m
Maschere per il viso obbligatorie per i viaggiatori nelle aree pubbliche
POLITICA DEI BAMBINI: sconto del 30% fino a 11,99 anni
Sono disponibili trasporti pubblici nelle vicinanze
Veicoli di trasporto regolarmente sanificati
Adatto a tutti i livelli di forma fisica
Aree ad alto traffico regolarmente sanificate
DURATA: circa 9 ore
Equipaggiamento/attrezzature sanificati prima e dopo l'uso
I neonati devono sedere in grembo a un adulto
Maschere per il viso obbligatorie per le guide nelle aree pubbliche
Regolare controllo della temperatura dello staff impiegato
TEMPO DI PARTENZA DEL TOUR: Il tour inizia alle 09:00.
Per ottenere un rimborso completo, cancella la prenotazione almeno 24 ore prima della partenza programmata.
For a full refund, you must cancel at least 24 hours before the experience’s start time.
If you cancel less than 24 hours before the experience’s start time, the amount you paid will not be refunded.
What To Expect
Jumeirah Public Beach
Photo Stop:
Jumeira Beach è una spiaggia di sabbia bianca che si trova e prende il nome dal quartiere Jumeirah di Dubai, sulla costa del Golfo Persico.
10 minutes
Admission Ticket Free
Moschea di Jumeirah
La Moschea Jumeirah è la moschea più fotografata di Dubai. Mentre le fresche pareti bianche sembrano grandi contro un cielo blu chiaro durante il giorno, arriva al crepuscolo per gli scatti più spettacolari dell'esterno.
Successivamente visiteremo la Islamic Art Gallery
25 minutes
Admission Ticket Free
Museo di Dubai
Visita il Museo di Dubai (chiuso a causa del COVID) e incontra diorami colorati e mostre storiche illuminanti. Ospitato nel Forte di Al Fahidi, questo è l'edificio più antico esistente in città ed è una visita imperdibile per un assaggio della vecchia Dubai.
30 minutes
Admission Ticket Included
Dubai Spice Souk
Successivamente avrai la possibilità di attraversare il torrente in barca nell'autentico "Abras", godendoti lo spettacolare paesaggio urbano mentre ti dirigi verso il quartiere di Deira, che ospita i più grandi suk di spezie e oro di Dubai. Ecco perché non concedersi il lusso di un souvenir dorato, assaggiare spezie esotiche.
60 minutes
Admission Ticket Free
The Dubai Mall
Il Dubai Mall è la destinazione più grande del mondo per lo shopping, l'intrattenimento e il tempo libero, situato accanto all'edificio più alto del mondo, il Burj Khalifa. Con oltre 1.200 negozi al dettaglio, due grandi magazzini e centinaia di negozi di alimentari e bevande, il centro commerciale copre oltre 1 milione di metri quadrati, equivalenti a 200 campi da calcio.
1 hours
Admission Ticket Free
At the Top
La nostra guida ti indirizzerà verso l'ingresso del Burj Khalifa, dove andrai in cima al Burj Khalifa e vivrai un'esperienza a volo d'occhio di Dubai
60 minutes
Admission Ticket Included
Souk Madinat Jumeirah
Quindi proseguiremo verso sud sulla strada di Sheikh ZAYED fino a raggiungere il punto di ingresso di Palm Jumeirah, un'isola a forma di palma con vista panoramica sul golfo arabo.
30 minutes
Admission Ticket Free
Arcipelago di Palm Jumeirah
Attività mono-ferrovia: verrai quindi trasferito su una monorotaia che è un altro modo di trasporto che collega la terra principale con l'isola artificiale a parte la carreggiata. La monorotaia corre lungo il tronco del Palm Jumeirah collegando la stazione Gateway all'ingresso del Palm con l'hotel Atlantis all'estremità opposta. Il Palm Monorail è un buon punto di osservazione per vedere il Palm Jumeirah e il giro offre una buona vista dell'isola.
1 hours
Admission Ticket Included
Marina Walk: Successivamente procederemo e la nostra prossima fermata sarà nella nuova marina di Dubai, dove si trova "The Walk", uno spazio aperto con numerosi rinomati ristoranti, caffè e boutique. Infine, il tour attraverserà le torri del lago Jumeirah città nuova di zecca e si concluderà nell'area BARSHA al Mall of the Emirates, dove si trova una delle stazioni sciistiche artificiali più grandi e affascinanti del mondo.
15 minutes
Admission Ticket Free
Good Tour… Learn and see a lot!
Michele_I, 21-09-2022
Really wonderful tour… Naveen our tour guide was EXCELLENT! Only 2 things from my side that I think could be done better 1. There must be accommodations for people with disabilities… wheelchair etc. and there must be time specially allotted for lunch. We were STARVING!! Otherwise great tour…
Great experience!
677amarp, 21-09-2022
There was a nice tour planning. This planning was backed up by an excellent execution Caring and enthusiastic tour guide.
Fast Paced, lots done!
bethpZ4555AG, 11-10-2022
I would recommend if you dont have much time in Dubai and want to see a lot. Bring lots of cash because theres lots of places to stop and buy touristy things. Also bring loooots of water its hot! Also took a long time for the pick up and that was kind of a waste of time but the bus was nice and cozy to travel around on after we got out of the van. They don't drop you back off at your hotel though which was a bit of a bummer
A really good tour
Kate_S, 04-10-2022
The trip was amazing - a perfect way to see all of Dubai. We went to places we never would have found.
The guide was excellent although the pre tour admin was the in my fault - the pick up time changed with short notice.
Great city tour
anthony p, 10-10-2022
This tour was outstanding!!!!
It included so much. Our guide and driver were both excellent. We also got on a boat and train. We saw everything and had time to enjoy it.
I would definitely recommend this tour.
Great experience
Trail08326973522, 03-10-2022
First time in dubai and my goal was to be in Burj khalifa .the tour was well organized.interesting trip,many things to see.
Recommend to everyone .
A lot packed into 1 day!
Gabriel W, 17-12-2022
This tour packs a lot into 1 day. Be prepared to be making a lot of stops. This tour provides headphones with you plug into a headphone jack at your set on the bus. The audio guide provides information about UAE, its history and what the bus is passing. The tour guide also provided tips about what to do around Dubai after the tour. I recommend this tour, especially if you're short on time.
A great way to a lot of Dubai on a long stop over
Alex_P, 12-12-2022
A great day in Dubai
We enjoy Rifky the tour guide who was super helpful getting us to the tour after a flight delay
We got to see alot of...
Barbara_M, 04-01-2023
We got to see alot of Dubai. Our tour guide and driver were great. Loved the quick beach stop. The short boat ride to the gold and spice souqs was nice. Burj Khalifa was extremely busy, but had beautiful views. Overall a busy but great day!
Must Go in Dubai
RakesTravel4work, 31-12-2022
Must go in Dubai. You can spend a whole day at Dubai Mall and burj Tower area. Evening you have best fountain show with music. I find December last week as best time to be at Dubai
Worth doing
Noreen_C, 23-12-2022
The tour was well organized and covered all the major attractions in Dubai. The guide was very informative
A good day in Dubai
Xabier_S, 30-09-2022
The tour was good. We see a big part of Dubai in one day. In the burj khalifa there was a lot of people so we were in problems with the time.
We miss that the guide gave us an approximation of the prices for the purchases in the zocos.
A busy but engaging tour!
Kathryn_N, 24-09-2022
It was a jam packed day that was interesting and exciting. The Burj Khalifa was the highlight. I would have liked more time in the spice markets and the opportunity to sit down and have a nice luncheon.
Paradise557158, 24-09-2022
Interesting trip. Many sights. Some a little rushed Be careful of market. Burj. Good views although hazy light Recommend
Enjoyable day out
nicky_w, 13-10-2022
Great day out. Enjoyable . Great to see a lot of what Dubai has to offer. Day was very good value for money.
Nice trip. Most of the stops really impressive, but.
piotrwD2487UH, 19-12-2022
Nice trip. Most of the stops really impressive. But I would skip Art gallery visit, whitch is just market to sell carpets… Waste of time. Overall I was satisfied. Proffesional tour guide.
Interesting, informative and fun
Michael_P, 18-12-2022
Hearing about the history of Dubai and seeing the amazing landmarks. Although don't buy anything from the market or the saffron shop they took us to as it ridiculously over priced.
Good overwiev of the city.
314avea, 16-12-2022
One can get an overwiev of the city. The guide was very nice. I would like to see more cultural ojects and less shopping(centers).
Our experience in a few words
Ricardo_E, 25-12-2022
The points of interest were perfect, even though the musquet was closed. The timing to visit the Burj Khalifa was terrible planned. We didn’t have time to have a decent meal after and arrived 5 minutes late to the meeting point.
The staff wasn’t very nice, nor understanding and they left us in the mall without considering that we had paid for the remaining of the tour. Terrible experience and rude guide
So so tour, perhaps better with other guide
Yvonne_L, 24-12-2022
We spent too much time at a tourist trap trying to sell us expensive and gaudy gold threaded carpet for the Bling Bling culture. The tour guide is bored, rushed us,