O ovoj jahti

The 36.8-foot Oryx 36 Sport Cruiser Luxury Yacht was constructed in 2015 and blends beauty, endurance, and power into one cohesive whole. She is designed to provide comfort and safety, excellent for cruising and fishing.

Oryx 36 was created as a modern yacht that can operate in any condition without compromising performance. This is a fantastic option for a luxury yacht charter since it perfectly balances comfort and safety in one vessel. It is the deep-sea fishing lovers\' preferred yacht.

Dimensions: Length Overall 36.8 Ft, Beam 11.6 Ft, Draft 2 Ft

Boat Capacity: The Oryx 36FT, which can accommodate 10 people, is the perfect choice for small-group cruising and fishing trips.

The following are some of the facilities and amenities available onboard:
- 2 Bedrooms
- 1 Bathroom
- Kitchen
- Indoor Saloon
- Outside Sitting
- Sunbath

More info About Yacht:
Crew: 2
Cabins: 3
Capacity: 12
Year of built - 2015

Detalji putovanja

Spending your precious time with your loved ones and friends may help you develop new relationships. You receive a much-needed break from your regular daily routine when you go on a trip with us.

You\'ll all have lovely memories from this delightful family-friendly excursion when you go home.

You may rent this lovely beauty to journey with you for a minimum of 2 hours in Qatar or Dubai; extra hours can be added at an additional cost.

  • thumb Odaberite brod po svom izboru
  • thumb Ispunite naš jednostavan obrazac zahtjeva za rezervaciju
  • thumb Potvrdit ćemo u roku od nekoliko sati
  • thumb Plaćajte depozit i stanje u trenutku najma

Nudimo sljedeća putovanja

  • Luxury Fishing Trip Qatar

    Take a fishing trip that is lavishly equipped. You have access to all the essential fishing gear on our yacht. Your vacation will be smooth cruising thanks to the assistance of our team\'s fishing expertise.

    In order to make the most of your time on our boat, we will also take you to locations where fishing will be most enjoyable. Get in touch with us to book the ultimate fishing trip in style in Qatar.

    ONBOARD FACILITIES: According to the event you wish to celebrate on board, you can add to the services provided when reserving a boat. Please contact the booking organizer to discuss all your add-ons.

    - Luxury Fishing - Exclusive Yacht
    - 4hrs sport fishing trip
    - Fishing gear is provided
    - Sunrise or sunset view
    - Option to do Grilling on board
    - Common Catch: Hamour, Barracuda, Sharie

Često postavljana pitanja

Treba li se brinuti da ću dobiti morsku bolest?
Koja je razlika između privatnog chartera i redovnog/zajedničkog/javnog chartera?
Nudite li bareboat charter?
Koje podatke trebate od mene da mi pošaljete ponudu za najam broda?
Koji su vaši uvjeti plaćanja?
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Odaberite vrijeme i datum najma broda


Pitanja ili zahtjevi

Vaši podaci za kontakt

Kalkulacija cijene

Zadana stopa: 800 USD

Pax Uključeno u zadanu cijenu: 4

Dodatna stopa putnika: 80 USD

Osnovna cijena: 550 USD

Ukupna cijena: 550 USD

Polog 0 USD

saldo: 550 USD

Još nije potrebno plaćanje!
1/ Prvo ćemo vam poslati potvrdu dostupnosti broda.
2/ Ako se odlučite krenuti naprijed i rezervirati charter, možete jednostavno kliknuti na poveznicu za plaćanje kako biste platili mali depozit (maksimalno 15%). Veza za plaćanje bit će poslana uz potvrdu dostupnosti.
3/ Kada se depozit uplati, dobit ćete vrlo detaljnu potvrdu putovanja.

Što klijenti kažu o našoj usluzi

  • Sep, 2024

    Lijep dan za ronjenje sa svojom šesteročlanom obitelji. Vode su bile mirne i duboke samo 6 stopa, ali život u moru bio je nevjerojatan. Čak sam ulovio i jastoga.

  • Oct, 2024

    Odličan dan za pecanje na ravnici. Uhvaćeni Permit, Barracuda i ogromni Tarpon. Kapetan i brod bili su sjajni i stvoreni za sjajan dan!

  • Nov, 2024

    Nevjerojatno putovanje u dubinski ribolov. Otišli smo oko 20 milja od obale i pronašli mrlju korova gdje smo uhvatili tone Mahija! Uskoro ću to ponoviti.