O této jachtě

Experience the ultimate luxury with a 70-foot Sunseeker Yacht charter in Dubai. This yacht offers modern amenities such as a spacious deck for sunbathing, a fully equipped kitchen, and stylish staterooms for relaxation.
Experience elegance and sophistication on a luxurious cruise through the stunning waters of the Arabian Gulf. Sip champagne and take in the breathtaking views while exploring Dubai's world-famous attractions from a unique perspective. Let Sunseeker Yacht Charter redefine your definition of luxury and relaxation as you embark on an unforgettable adventure.
Imagine yourself on a luxurious 70-foot Sunseeker yacht, cruising through the pristine waters of the Arabian Gulf. The wind is tousling your hair, the sun is shining brightly, and your favorite music is playing in the background.

- Bed Room: 3
- Toilet: 3

Amenities & Facilities:
- Air-conditioned
- Big Saloon with 3 tables and 3 couches
- Dining Area With Table
- Kitchen
- Microwave
- Fridge
- Upper Deck Sitting Areas
- Sun Beds
- Sitting Area With Table

Free Onboard:
- Captain and Crew
- Safety Equipment
- Sound system
- Refreshments Soft Drinks
- Water

Detaily výletu

If you want to experience the best of Dubai, the ideal way is cruising on a 70-foot Sunseeker yacht. This luxurious vessel has everything you need to enjoy a fantastic and beautiful vacation, including; this yacht is a luxurious one with plenty of living areas. You can enjoy a large sundeck, ideal for soaking up the sun. It is also equipped with top-of-the-line amenities and modern features, all of which are taken care of by a professional crew.

Are you looking to create unforgettable memories? Whether it's for a family vacation, business event, or romantic getaway, renting a 70-foot Sunseeker yacht in Dubai is the perfect way to do it.

Here are some more details about the yacht:

- It can welcome up to 12 guests.

- It has cabins, toilets, a saloon, and a modern kitchen.

- The crew is very skilled and can attend to all your requests.

- You can rent the yacht by the hour, day, or week.

If you're looking to book a charter in Dubai, don't hesitate to get in touch with us. We're here to assist you in planning your dream vacation.

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Nabízíme následující zájezdy

  • Private Charter (Per Hour - Minimum 2 Hours)
    $654 USD

    *Rate is inclusive of 5% VAT*

    - Boat Fuel
    - Professional Captain and Crew
    - Safety Equipment
    - Refreshments (soft drinks, water, and ice)
    - Sound System on board

    Note: The boat can be rented for longer than 2 hours; the extra hourly rate is 327 USD. The default rate includes 2 hours.

    Přesčasy 327 USD
  • Full Day Private Charter
    $25882 USD

    *Rate is inclusive of 5% VAT*

    - Boat Fuel
    - Professional Captain and Crew
    - Safety Equipment
    - Refreshments (soft drinks, water, and ice)
    - Sound System on board

Časté dotazy

Je nutné, abych se obával o mořskou nemoc?
Jaký je rozdíl mezi soukromou chartou a pravidelnou/sdílenou/veřejnou chartou?
Nabízíte pronájem lodí bez posádky?
Jaké informace ode mě potřebujete, abyste mi poslali cenovou nabídku na pronájem lodi?
Jaké jsou vaše platební podmínky?
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Vyberte čas a datum pronájmu lodi


Dotazy nebo požadavky

Vaše kontaktní údaje

Kalkulace ceny

Výchozí sazba: 800 USD

Počet osob zahrnutých ve výchozí sazbě: 4

Sazba za další cestující: 80 USD

Základní cena: 550 USD

Celková cena: 550 USD

Vklad 0 USD

Zůstatek: 550 USD

Zatím není vyžadována žádná platba!
1/ Nejprve vám zašleme potvrzení o dostupnosti lodi.
2/ Pokud se rozhodnete pokračovat a zarezervovat si charter, stačí kliknout na platební odkaz a zaplatit malou zálohu (max 15%). Platební odkaz bude zaslán s potvrzením dostupnosti.
3/ Po zaplacení zálohy obdržíte velmi podrobné potvrzení zájezdu.

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