O této jachtě

Experience the Luxury of the 48 Ft Majesty Yacht in Dubai; Imagine yourself cruising across the clear waters of the Arabian Gulf on the Majesty, a lavish 48-foot yacht. You will have everything you need to relax and appreciate your time in Dubai. Thanks to its spacious interior, luxurious cabins, and magnificent sundeck.

The yacht's interior is just as stunning as its exterior. There are two staterooms, each with an en-suite bathroom, and the main salon is enormous and adorable.

In addition to a spacious sundeck, with plenty of seating for lounging and soaking up the sun, the yacht also has a well-stocked kitchen.

Create lifelong memories aboard the Majesty yacht. Experience Dubai's luxury and beauty in style on the 48 Ft Majesty Yacht. What are you waiting for, then? Book your charter today!

- Bed Room: 2
- Toilet: 2

Amenities & Facilities:
- Air-conditioned
- Saloon
- Mini Kitchen
- Microwave
- Fridge
- Upper Deck Sitting Area
- Two Sun Bed On The Front Deck
- Back Deck Sitting Area

Free Onboard:
- Captain and Crew
- Safety Equipment
- Sound system
- Refreshments Soft Drinks
- Water

Detaily výletu

The clear waters of the Gulf supply an ideal setting for swimming, snorkeling, or, if you prefer, simply relaxing on the sundeck. For those looking for an elegant and comfortable yacht for their next vacation in Dubai, the 48-Foot Majesty is the perfect choice.

Experience luxury and refinement aboard the 48-foot Majesty yacht during your trip to Dubai. With lavish furnishings and innovative amenities, this yacht promises a memorable excursion on the clear waters of the Gulf. Whether you prefer sunbathing on the sundeck or snorkeling to discover marine life, this vessel offers an enjoyable and amazing experience.

While booking the 48-foot Majesty Yacht in Dubai, you will be able to take part in the following activities:

 - Relax on the sundeck and enjoy the warmth of the sun.

 - Swim or snorkel in the Arabian Gulf's clear waters.

 - Visit surrounding towns or islands.

 - Arrange a party for your loved ones or friends.

 - Take a romantic sunset cruise

Please be aware that costs will vary depending on the season, the length of the charter, and the amenities you select.

Please feel free to reach out to us if you need more details or wish to book a charter. We would be delighted to help you with your request.

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Nabízíme následující zájezdy

  • Private Charter (Per Hour - Minimum 2 Hours)
    $294 USD

    Rate is inclusive of 5% VAT*
    - Boat Fuel
    - Professional Captain and Crew
    - Safety Equipment
    - Refreshments (soft drinks, water, and ice)
    - Sound System on board
    Note: The boat can be rented for longer than 2 hours; the extra hourly rate is 147 USD. The default rate includes 2 hours.

    Přesčasy 147 USD
  • Private Full Day Charter
    $3523 USD

    Rate is inclusive of 5% VAT*
    - Boat Fuel
    - Professional Captain and Crew
    - Safety Equipment
    - Refreshments (soft drinks, water, and ice)
    - Sound System on board

Časté dotazy

Je nutné, abych se obával o mořskou nemoc?
Jaký je rozdíl mezi soukromou chartou a pravidelnou/sdílenou/veřejnou chartou?
Nabízíte pronájem lodí bez posádky?
Jaké informace ode mě potřebujete, abyste mi poslali cenovou nabídku na pronájem lodi?
Jaké jsou vaše platební podmínky?
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Vyberte čas a datum pronájmu lodi


Dotazy nebo požadavky

Vaše kontaktní údaje

Kalkulace ceny

Výchozí sazba: 800 USD

Počet osob zahrnutých ve výchozí sazbě: 4

Sazba za další cestující: 80 USD

Základní cena: 550 USD

Celková cena: 550 USD

Vklad 0 USD

Zůstatek: 550 USD

Zatím není vyžadována žádná platba!
1/ Nejprve vám zašleme potvrzení o dostupnosti lodi.
2/ Pokud se rozhodnete pokračovat a zarezervovat si charter, stačí kliknout na platební odkaz a zaplatit malou zálohu (max 15%). Platební odkaz bude zaslán s potvrzením dostupnosti.
3/ Po zaplacení zálohy obdržíte velmi podrobné potvrzení zájezdu.

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