O této jachtě

Come aboard the luxurious 36-foot Silver Craft and indulge in the breathtaking beauty of the Arabian Gulf. This magnificent vessel boasts high-quality materials and construction, guaranteeing a reliable and unforgettable experience for years to come.

This luxurious boat can comfortably accommodate up to twelve passengers, making it perfect for family outings, business events, or group excursions with friends.

With its twin Mercury Outboard engines, the boat boasts ample power and speed. Alongside its sleek design and durable engine, you can easily and swiftly reach your preferred destinations.

Experience the ultimate in relaxation and luxury with the Silver Craft. This impressive boat boasts a spacious deck and comfortable seating, perfect for cruising along clear waters while soaking up the sun. Equipped with modern amenities.

The sundeck is spacious and has plenty of seating, making it the perfect place to relax and soak up the sun. The toilet is spacious and clean, so you can expect a convenient and comfortable journey on board.

Whether you are in search of adventure or a leisurely day on the water, this boat promises an unforgettable and enjoyable experience for all.

- A spacious deck with plenty of seating and sunbathing space.
- Two powerful engines for fast cruising.
- Complete fishing.
- A large sundeck with a shade cover.
- A clean toilet.

Free Onboard:
- Sound System
- Captain & Crew
- Safety Equipment
- Soft Drinks, Water and Ice

Detaily výletu

Experience a range of exciting activities on our boat, such as fishing, swimming, snorkelling, and exploring the stunning Arabian Gulf while taking in Dubai's breathtaking skyline.

Our expert crew is always available to offer guidance and assistance, ensuring your safety and enjoyment throughout the journey. Whether you are a lover of nature, an adventurer, or simply seeking relaxation, our boat excursion caters to everyone's interests. So come aboard and experience the beauty of Dubai in a unique and unforgettable way.

Looking for an exquisite way to spend a day on the waters of Dubai? Look no further than the 36-foot Silver Craft! Book your charter today and be ready for the ultimate Arabian Gulf experience!

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  • thumb Zaplaťte zálohu a zůstatek v době pronájmu

Nabízíme následující zájezdy

  • Private Charter (Per Hour - Minimum 2 Hours)
    $264 USD

    *Rate is inclusive of 5% VAT*

    - Boat Fuel
    - Professional Captain
    - Safety Equipment
    - Soft drinks, water, and ice
    - Sound System on board

    The boat can be rented for longer than 2 hours; the extra hourly rate is 132 USD. The default rate includes 2 hours.

    Přesčasy 132 USD

Časté dotazy

Je nutné, abych se obával o mořskou nemoc?
Jaký je rozdíl mezi soukromou chartou a pravidelnou/sdílenou/veřejnou chartou?
Nabízíte pronájem lodí bez posádky?
Jaké informace ode mě potřebujete, abyste mi poslali cenovou nabídku na pronájem lodi?
Jaké jsou vaše platební podmínky?
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Vyberte čas a datum pronájmu lodi


Dotazy nebo požadavky

Vaše kontaktní údaje

Kalkulace ceny

Výchozí sazba: 800 USD

Počet osob zahrnutých ve výchozí sazbě: 4

Sazba za další cestující: 80 USD

Základní cena: 550 USD

Celková cena: 550 USD

Vklad 0 USD

Zůstatek: 550 USD

Zatím není vyžadována žádná platba!
1/ Nejprve vám zašleme potvrzení o dostupnosti lodi.
2/ Pokud se rozhodnete pokračovat a zarezervovat si charter, stačí kliknout na platební odkaz a zaplatit malou zálohu (max 15%). Platební odkaz bude zaslán s potvrzením dostupnosti.
3/ Po zaplacení zálohy obdržíte velmi podrobné potvrzení zájezdu.

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